How to make a good picnic?

good picnic

How can you resist the call to go for a picnic outside when sunny days are looming? Even if it’s only a matter of going to the park or the courtyard at the foot of the apartment, or traveling for miles to escape our too urban city, or even finding a nice spot when the we are on vacation, or finally plan the snack when we go hiking, eat outside , here we are followers.

With family or friends, this moment of convivial and informal meal is an opportunity to slow down and enjoy moments of pleasure.

Picnic with friends in town

Some popular beliefs lead one to believe that when one does not have the means, one picnics , however it is not necessarily only a question of budget, because the picnic perhaps, I assure you, a real slice of happiness.

5 sandwiches to bite into under the sun

5 picnic dessert ideas

Small clarification that is worth giving it two seconds, picnic is written with a hyphen between the two words, and even if we often come across the spelling “picnic” on the global internet, in French, we therefore tolerate picnic or picnic and then that’s it! That being the case, I invite you to discover all the tips for having a picnic as well as original picnic recipe ideas.

Hygiene rules to follow

During a picnic , the food you are going to take will be carried around in the open air and brought to room temperature (or failing that, in a cooler). If you have aimed well and selected a beautiful sunny day (remember to check the weather forecast), then avoid carrying sensitive foods such as butter, fresh cream, mayonnaise, cheese, yogurts, meat… or plan enough blocks of ice in your cooler to keep them fresh.

To keep the coolness in your cooler , plan enough blocks of ice. If you don’t have one, put bottles of water to freeze the night before. For a picnic day, plan 4 blocks of ice.

What to bring for a picnic

The essential for a picnic is to have a basket to carry everything (or a large fabric bag, or even a backpack) and/or a cooler (rigid or flexible, with blocks of ice cream ) if you have things to keep cool.

My organizational advice:

When you prepare your picnic bag , remember to put the heaviest foods or the most rigid packaging in the bottom of the bag to prevent it from crushing the most fragile food.

Going on a picnic while forgetting certain things can complicate your task (it’s from experience).

Here are my top 6 things to pack at all costs for a picnic .

A large blanket (or a double sheet) to spread out the food and to sit on (after the picnic, she can also take a nap in the shade)

A knife (we always have something to cut during a picnic)

Cloth napkins (you can wash them when you get home and it’s more eco-friendly than paper towels )

Reusable cups (and if you don’t settle for sandwiches, consider plates and cutlery too)

A protection kit : sunscreen, insect repellent (against ticks for example), hydro-alcoholic gel (to clean your hands), hats/caps and handkerchiefs.

Garbage bags to pack waste while waiting to find a bin on the way back or failing to throw away your waste once you get home.

Essential foods for picnics

Just before leaving for a picnic, put the fresh food and ice packs in your cooler at the very last moment, and make sure you don’t leave without the items listed below:

Water for hydration (provide at least 1/2 liter per person)

Salt and pepper to season

Vinaigrette (in a small jar ) if you bring salads

Coffee or tea (in a thermos) to sip after the meal

Chips (because according to my children, a picnic in chips is not a successful picnic)

Requiring a little washing up, and although less practical to eat than sandwiches, salads bring a touch of conviviality to picnics.

My advice: prepare the salads the day before , and season them on the spot. This way they will be very fresh and will retain their texture and flavor.

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